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Learning Unreal: Particle Systems

Writer's picture: David FloresDavid Flores

In today's Learning Unreal post, I'll show off my progress in regards to learning Unreal's Cascade particle system editor. As always, if you want to follow along with the same tutorial that I'm using, you can find it here.

Spaceship particle systems
The most realistic space shooter ever conceived by man.

In the image above, you'll notice two different type of particle systems.

The first is the exhaust from the player ship's thruster. This particle system was given an orange circle material, and had its velocity, size, and spawn rate modified to give the proper appearance. To add to the effect, the particles were also set to shrink over time by setting a curve in the system's size module and the color of the particles were also made to spawn within the range of colors between red and orange. Finally, the player Blueprint was modified to turn off the thrusters whenever the ship wasn't moving. You know, to save on that expensive rocket fuel.

The second particle system is the explosion effect when a ship is destroyed. This effect was set up to emit a single burst of particles, with the particle velocities set up so that they'd blast in every direction. Both the enemy and the ship Blueprints, were modified to spawn an emitter for this particle system upon being destroyed, as well as having the explosion be the same color as the ships themselves, with a second particle emitter being added to the particle system to help with the second color of the explosion.


No, this particle system was not brought to you by Dippin' Dots.

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