Today's entry in the Learning Unreal series marks the point where I begin covering more advanced topic in Unreal, starting with using C++ alongside Blueprints. As always, if you want to follow along with the same tutorial that I'm using, you can find it here.
It's a bit tricky to talk about this particular project because what it is isn't inherently different from past posts. It's how it was done that's different.
For example, instead of adding the components of the ball in a Blueprint, they all got setup in C++, which involves many more steps such as including the header files for each component, setting up their UPROPERTY() values, and properly initializing them. Player input binding, movement functions, and physics simulation were also set up in C++ this time around.
Other particular topics of note from this tutorial include:
Setting up UFUNCTION()values for certain functions
Overriding C++-defined functions in Blueprints
Implementing and binding Overlap functions
Giving a function a default implementation
It's about time I got to the actual programming part.