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Here are some smaller projects and current works in progress.

Check back often to see what's new!

Learning Music Theory: Striking a Chord

For today's Learning Music Theory post, I am continuing to build upon my piece from the previous post. This time, continuing with...

Learning Blender: Modifying on Frosting

For today's Learning Blender post, I continued with the doughnut model from last post. Following Blender Guru's tutorial on Modifiers, I...

Learning Unreal: Interactive Grass

Today's Learning Unreal post is the third part of a mini-sub series about my experiences with Unreal's Render Target system. You can find...

Learning Music Theory: Something to Note

For today's Learning Music Theory post, I took my simple beat from the last post and added a layer of notes to it. I did so with the help...

Learning Blender: Modeling a Doughnut

For today's Learning Blender post, I tried my hand at actually creating a 3D model myself. Following Blender Guru's tutorial on YouTube,...

Learning Unreal: Creating Snow Trails

Today's Learning Unreal post is the second part of a mini-sub series about my experiences with Unreal's Render Target system. You can...

Learning Music Theory: A Simple Beat

Continuing the trend from the last blog post, today's post is the beginning of another series where I learn another new skill. This time,...

Learning Blender: My First Experience

After nothing but blog posts about learning the Unreal game engine for two months, I've decided to finally diversify my skill set, my...

Learning Unreal: Painting with Render Targets

Today's Learning Unreal post is the start of another mini-series. This time, the overall topic to be covered will be using Unreal's...

Learning Unreal: Paint Filter

Today's Learning Unreal post is the fourth and final part of a mini-sub series about creating shaders in Unreal. You can find the...

Learning Unreal: Custom Shaders

Today's Learning Unreal post is the third part of a mini-sub series about creating shaders in Unreal. You can find the previous part on...

Learning Unreal: Toon Outlines

Today's Learning Unreal post is the second part of a mini sub-series about creating shaders in Unreal. You can find the first part on cel...

Learning Unreal: Cel Shading

Today's Learning Unreal post is also the first part of a mini sub-series about creating shaders in Unreal Engine. The first type of...

Learning Unreal: Adding C++

Today's entry in the Learning Unreal series marks the point where I begin covering more advanced topic in Unreal, starting with using C++...

Learning Unreal: Creating a Simple FPS

In today's Learning Unreal post, I created a simple first-person shooter game using everything I've learnt up to this point. If you also...

Learning Unreal: Artificial Intelligence

In today's entry into the Learning Unreal series, I learned how to set up some basic artificial intelligence systems using the AI tools...

Learning Unreal: Particle Systems

In today's Learning Unreal post, I'll show off my progress in regards to learning Unreal's Cascade particle system editor. As always, if...

Learning Unreal: Audio

In today's Learning Unreal post, I'm showing off some of what I've learned in regards to adding audio to Unreal games. As always, if you...

Learning Unreal: Animations

Today, I'm finally returning to share my journey of learning the Unreal Game Engine after taking some time to work on other things. The...

Learning Unreal: Creating a Simple Game

Today, I'm continuing to share another of my experiences learning the Unreal Game Engine. The focus of today is to simply create a simple...

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